What effect did the enlightenment and the Great Awakening have on the life in British North America?

They read of other governments and came to realize that the "divinely appointed king" wasn't the only government available. Factor in the Bible reading many of them did, at least as youth, and they also had a very strong concept of innate equality among ALL humans.

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The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening had important effects on life in British North America. To understand these effects, we first need to understand what the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening were.

The Enlightenment was a philosophical and intellectual movement that swept through Europe and eventually influenced the colonies in North America. It emphasized reason, individualism, and secularism, promoting the idea that humans were capable of acquiring knowledge and improving their lives through rational thinking.

The Great Awakening, on the other hand, was a religious revival movement that emerged in the 1730s and lasted until the 1740s. It sought to reawaken spirituality and religious devotion among the colonists, emphasizing personal religious experiences and emotional connections to God.

Now, let's explore the effects of these two movements on British North America:

1. Religious Diversity: The Great Awakening led to increased religious diversity and competition among different denominations. It sparked intense religious fervor, with new religious sects forming and challenging the established authority of the Church of England. This religious diversity laid the foundation for the eventual religious freedom and pluralism that became prominent in the colonies.

2. Political and Intellectual Engagement: Both the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening encouraged critical thinking and individualism among the colonists. The Enlightenment's emphasis on reason and the Great Awakening's focus on personal religious experiences sparked intellectual curiosity and encouraged people to question traditional authorities. This cultivated an atmosphere of political and intellectual engagement, laying the groundwork for the American Revolution and the pursuit of independence.

3. Education and Literacy: The Enlightenment also had a lasting impact on education in British North America. Enlightenment thinkers stressed the importance of education and learning, leading to the establishment of new schools and the improvement of existing ones. The Great Awakening, with its emphasis on personal religious experiences, also spurred higher levels of literacy as people sought to read religious texts and participate in religious discussions.

4. Social and Political Reform: Both movements contributed to social and political reforms in the colonies. The Enlightenment's focus on individual rights and reason influenced the thinking of many American intellectual and political leaders, leading to discussions about natural rights, equality, and the role of government. The Great Awakening, with its emphasis on personal piety and equality before God, also challenged social hierarchies and encouraged notions of equality among different social classes.

In summary, the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening had significant effects on life in British North America. They fostered religious diversity, encouraged critical thinking and individualism, promoted education and literacy, and influenced social and political reforms. These effects played a crucial role in shaping the culture and values that eventually led to the American Revolution and the formation of the United States.