Each one of the following sentesces contains a cluase.In which sentence is the clause used as an adverb? A. I do not mind fishing, as long as I don't have to bait the hook. B. All of the delegated who have actual opinions should keep silent. C. What you really need is a back massage. D. Whales, which eat krill, prefer colder ocean waters. I chose A


thank you

You're welcome.

Good job! You are correct. The sentence A, "I do not mind fishing, as long as I don't have to bait the hook," contains a clause used as an adverb.

To identify the adverbial clause in sentence A, we can break it down:
- The main clause is: "I do not mind fishing."
- The adverbial clause is: "as long as I don't have to bait the hook."

The adverbial clause, "as long as I don't have to bait the hook," modifies the verb phrase "do not mind" by expressing a condition or limitation on the main action. In this case, it explains under what condition the speaker does not mind fishing.

Well done on selecting the correct sentence! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.