how do you find the initial velocity on a Velocity Vs Time Graph

To find the initial velocity on a Velocity vs. Time graph, you need to locate the point where the graph starts, which represents the initial moment. The initial velocity is the y-coordinate (vertical value) of that point.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the initial velocity on a Velocity vs. Time graph:

1. Obtain a Velocity vs. Time graph, which typically has the velocity on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.

2. Locate the starting point of the graph, where the time value is zero. This represents the initial moment or the beginning of the motion.

3. Identify the y-coordinate (vertical value) of that starting point. This value represents the initial velocity.

4. Read the y-coordinate of the starting point and note it down as the initial velocity.

Remember, the initial velocity represents the velocity of the object at the beginning of the motion or at the starting point of the graph. It indicates the rate of change of displacement at that particular moment.