a boy is b years old and his father is 6 times as old as him. find the father's age. and also the sum of their ages in years time?


Son's age= b

Since the father's age is 6 'times' (multiplication) the son's age, his age will be= 6b
After y years of time, the sum of their ages will be= 6b+y+b+y
= (7b+2y) years

son's present age ---- x

father's present age -- 6x

"the sum of their ages in years time?"
----- check this for typo

e.g if number of years is 12 , just add 12 to each of the ages for the sum (x+12) + (6x+12) = 7x + 24

To find the father's age, you need to know the boy's age denoted as b. We are given that the father is six times as old as the boy. Therefore, the father's age can be calculated by multiplying the boy's age (b) by 6.

Father's age = 6 * b

To calculate the sum of their ages in years' time, you need to know the boy's age currently and their age in years' time. As we only have information about the boy's age (b), we cannot directly calculate the sum of their ages in years' time without additional information.

Could you provide more information regarding the time period in years?