Which of the following authors wrote in the same genre?

Anne Bradstreet
William Bradford
Olaudah Equiano
Thomas Jefferson

I think it’s Willian Bradford and Olaudah Equiano

To identify which of the given authors wrote in the same genre, you will need to know the genres they wrote in.

1. Anne Bradstreet: She was an English-American writer and the first notable American poet. She primarily wrote poetry, focusing on personal experiences and religious themes.

2. William Bradford: He was an English Puritan leader and writer who documented the history of the early Plymouth Colony in his work, "Of Plymouth Plantation." Bradford's writings fall under the genre of historical narrative.

3. Olaudah Equiano: He was a Nigerian writer and abolitionist known for his autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano." Equiano's work belongs to the genre of slave narratives.

4. Thomas Jefferson: He was a Founding Father of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. While Jefferson wrote extensively on a variety of topics, including politics and philosophy, most of his writings fall under the genres of political and philosophical discourse.

Based on the genres of their respective works:

- Anne Bradstreet primarily wrote poetry.
- William Bradford wrote historical narratives.
- Olaudah Equiano wrote slave narratives.
- Thomas Jefferson wrote political and philosophical works.

Therefore, the authors from the given list who wrote in the same genre are Anne Bradstreet and Olaudah Equiano. They both wrote in the genre of narrative literature, although Bradstreet focused on personal experiences and religious themes while Equiano's work centered on his experiences as a slave.

i believe its anne bradstreet and william bradford is it correct