What are the step by step in finding the answer for this?


carbon atoms:
Hydrogen atoms:
Oxygen atoms:

To find the number of carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, oxygen atoms, and molecules in the given formula "4C6H12O6," we can break it down step by step:

Step 1: Analyzing the formula
The formula "4C6H12O6" represents a molecule with 4 units of glucose (C6H12O6). Glucose is a compound consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms.

Step 2: Counting carbon atoms
Each glucose molecule (C6H12O6) contains 6 carbon atoms (C). Since we have 4 units of glucose, the total number of carbon atoms is 6 multiplied by 4, which is 24.

Step 3: Counting hydrogen atoms
In each glucose molecule (C6H12O6), there are 12 hydrogen atoms (H). Since we have 4 units of glucose, the total number of hydrogen atoms is 12 multiplied by 4, which is 48.

Step 4: Counting oxygen atoms
Each glucose molecule (C6H12O6) contains 6 oxygen atoms (O). Since we have 4 units of glucose, the total number of oxygen atoms is 6 multiplied by 4, which is 24.

Step 5: Counting molecules
The given formula, "4C6H12O6," implies that there are 4 molecules of glucose. Therefore, the total number of molecules is simply 4.

So, the answer to the question is as follows:
Carbon atoms: 24
Hydrogen atoms: 48
Oxygen atoms: 24
Molecules: 4