Find the unit rate for $27.40 for 4 hours of work

To find the unit rate, simply divide how much you earned by the # of hours you worked so:


So you make $6.85/h

Wait how would you divide with the cents or like 27.(40)?

27.40 for 4 hours of work

27.40/4=6.85 that is your answer

To find the unit rate for $27.40 for 4 hours of work, you need to divide the total amount by the number of hours worked. In this case, you would divide $27.40 by 4.

Unit Rate = Total Amount / Number of Hours

Unit Rate = $27.40 / 4

Now let's do the calculation:

Unit Rate = $6.85

Therefore, the unit rate for $27.40 for 4 hours of work is $6.85. This means that for every hour of work, the rate is $6.85.