when planting trees in a forest, the US Forest Service recommends giving each seedling about 1/200 acre on which to grow.

About hw many seedling should be planted in 1/3 of an acre?

How would I show my work on this?

would it be 1/3 x 200/1 = ?

200 seedlings/acre * (1/3) acre = 200/3 seedlings

thank you

To determine the number of seedlings that should be planted in 1/3 of an acre, we will follow these steps:

1. Begin with the given information that the recommended amount of space for each seedling is 1/200 of an acre.
2. Convert the fraction 1/3 into a decimal by dividing 1 by 3: 1 ÷ 3 = 0.3333 (rounded to four decimal places).
3. Now, multiply the decimal value of 1/3 by the reciprocal of 1/200. The reciprocal of 1/200 is obtained by flipping the fraction, resulting in 200/1.
- Calculation: 0.3333 x 200/1 = 66.66 (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, approximately 66.66 seedlings should be planted in 1/3 of an acre, or you can round it to the nearest whole number for practical purposes as 67 seedlings.

When showing your work, you correctly set up the calculation: 1/3 x 200/1 = 66.66.