Eva invested a certain amount of money at 5% interest and $1500 more than that amount at 17%. Her total yearly interest was $750. How much did she invest at each rate?

amount invested at 5% --- x

amount invested at 17% ---- x+1500

.05x + .17(x+1500) = 750
times 100
5x + 17(x+1500) = 45000

can you please let us know where we can invest at 17% ?

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of interest and the formula for simple interest.

Let's assume Eva invested an amount of money, let's call it "x," at 5% interest. According to the problem, she also invested $1500 more than that amount, so the second investment will be x + $1500, and this amount will earn 17% interest.

To calculate the interest earned from each investment, we can use the formula for simple interest:

Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

For the first investment at 5% interest, the interest earned will be 0.05x (since the rate is given as 5% or 0.05). For the second investment at 17% interest, the interest earned will be 0.17(x + $1500) (using the same reasoning).

According to the problem, the total yearly interest was $750, so we can set up the equation:

0.05x + 0.17(x + $1500) = $750

Let's solve this equation step by step:

0.05x + 0.17x + 0.17($1500) = $750

0.22x + $255 = $750

0.22x = $750 - $255

0.22x = $495

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 0.22:

x = $495 / 0.22

x ≈ $2250

So Eva invested approximately $2250 at 5% interest.

To find the amount she invested at 17%, we can substitute this value back into the equation:

x + $1500 = $2250 + $1500 = $3750

Therefore, Eva invested approximately $2250 at 5% interest and $3750 at 17% interest.