Draw the most important resonance contributor of the following structure or compound. I'd think that the double bonded carbon would be the most important? Am I right?

Thank you!

h t t p : / / a c e o r g a n i c. p e a r s o n c m g. c o m / e p o c h - p l u g i n / t e m p f i l e s / 1 2 7 1 _ 1 2 0 3 . j p e g

I can't get anything.

I had to put spaces between the url so I could post it. So you just need to delete all the spaces..

I tried that. What about copying the url in another post and you deleting all but one or two spaces. I'll try that.

h t t p : / / aceorganic . pearsoncmg . com / epoch-plugin / tempfiles / 1271 _ 1203. jpeg

I'm sorry but I'm still batting zero. It keeps telling me that this file is not available.

Hmmm.. Darn. Well thanks for trying!

Apologies, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to directly view or click on links that you have provided. However, I can still help you understand how to identify the most important resonance contributor for a given compound.

Resonance is a concept used to describe the delocalization of electrons in molecules that have multiple resonance forms. These resonance forms differ only in the placement of π (pi) bonds and lone pairs of electrons.

When determining the most important resonance contributor, you should consider the following:

1. Stability: Individual resonance forms that possess greater stability are considered more important. For example, structures with full octets, minimized formal charges, and separation of charges tend to be more stable.

2. Electronegativity: Atoms with higher electronegativity generally prefer to hold negative charges or lone pairs. When comparing resonance forms, assigning a negative charge to the most electronegative atom is typically more favorable.

3. Preference for multiple bonds: In some cases, certain atoms or groups may prefer to be involved in double or triple bonds due to their ability to accommodate more electrons.

Without visual reference, it is difficult to precisely identify the most important resonance contributor for the specific compound you mentioned. In general, the most important resonance form should exhibit the maximum stability and minimize formal charges. To determine the most significant contributor, you might need to consider factors such as the electronegativity of atoms and resonance structures that satisfy the octet rule.

If you provide a detailed description or provide alternate methods for reaching the compound's image, I may be able to assist further.