Ling bought 5 dishes and 9 glasses for $25.50. Each glass cost 50¢ cents more than each dish. How much did Ling spend the glasses


It might help more to know the process.

g = d +.50

5d + 9g = 25.50

Substitute d+.50 for g in second equation and solve for d. Insert that value into the first equation and solve for g. Check by inserting both values into the second equation.

To find out how much Ling spent on the glasses, we need to determine the cost of a dish and the cost of a glass.

Let's assume the cost of each dish is x dollars.
Since the cost of each glass is 50¢ cents more than each dish, the cost of each glass will be (x + 0.50) dollars.

Ling bought 5 dishes, so the total cost of the dishes is 5x dollars.
Ling also bought 9 glasses, so the total cost of the glasses is 9(x + 0.50) dollars.

According to the problem, Ling spent a total of $25.50. Therefore, we can set up the equation:
5x + 9(x + 0.50) = 25.50

Now, let's solve the equation to find out the value of x, which represents the cost of each dish:

5x + 9x + 4.50 = 25.50
14x + 4.50 = 25.50
14x = 25.50 - 4.50
14x = 21.00
x = 21.00 / 14
x = 1.50

So, the cost of each dish is $1.50.

Now that we have the cost of each dish, we can calculate the cost of each glass:
x + 0.50 = 1.50 + 0.50 = $2.00

Therefore, Ling spent $2.00 on each glass.