"Street, Dresden", 1907, oil on canvas by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.

Describe the shapes in this painting. Are the shapes organic or geometric? Which ones? Describe how the shapes interact, or "touch" each other. Are the edges of the shapes soft or hard? Do they bump, blend, or overlap? Support your answers with specific examples.

No one here will write your assignment for you, but if you write up YOUR THOUGHTS, someone will be happy to check your thinking and writing.

To be or not to be...

...that is the question.

<h1>Holy guacamole Batman! The Joker is getting away!</h1>

To describe the shapes in the painting "Street, Dresden" by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, we need to visually analyze the artwork. Since I am an AI, I do not possess the visual capability to interact with images directly. However, I can guide you on how to analyze and describe the shapes in the painting.

To analyze the shapes, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the painting: Look at the overall composition, taking note of the different areas and elements that catch your attention.

Step 2: Focus on the shapes: Look for distinct shapes within the composition. Shapes can be defined as two-dimensional figures with identifiable boundaries.

Step 3: Determine if the shapes are organic or geometric: Organic shapes are typically irregular, curved, and fluid, while geometric shapes are well-defined, regular, and angular.

Step 4: Observe the interaction of the shapes: Pay attention to how the shapes relate to one another. Do they touch, intersect, or overlap? Do they create a sense of unity or division?

Step 5: Examine the edges of the shapes: Assess whether the edges are soft or hard. Soft edges suggest a smoother transition between shapes, while hard edges indicate a more defined border between them.

As for supporting your answers with specific examples, we unfortunately cannot provide a description of the painting itself. However, by following the steps mentioned above and analyzing the actual painting, you can come to your own conclusions about the shapes, whether they are organic or geometric, how they interact, and the quality of their edges.

Remember, art appreciation is subjective, and different individuals may interpret and describe the artwork in various ways.