In the condensed structure

CH3CH2CHCH double bonded to CHCH(CH3)2

What does it mean when the CH3 is in () followed by the 2?

CH3CH2CHCH double bonded to CHCH(CH3)2

It means the two CH3 groups are attached to the immediately preceding C. If thiws turns out right I have bolded that C atom to which the two methyl groups are attached.
CH3CH2CHCH double bonded to CHCH(CH3)2
That single H is attached to the same C atom, also.

If you look closely you can see that C atom is bold face type.

I have to draw a skeletal, kekule, and lewis structure for this but I am having some difficulty because there is so much going on in the structure. Do you know of any websites that could show me examples of these types of condensed structures?

Here is a page I obtained by searching on 2,2-dimethylheptane. That would be


Thank you very much!!

When the CH3 is in parentheses followed by a subscript 2, it represents a methyl group that occurs twice.

To determine the structure using the condensed formula provided, you can break it down as follows:

- CH3CH2CHCH: This segment represents a chain of four carbon atoms connected by single bonds, with a double bond between the second and third carbon atoms.
- double bonded to: This means that the second and third carbon atoms in the chain are connected by a double bond.
- CHCH(CH3)2: This part represents a chain of four carbon atoms, with a methyl group (CH3) attached to the second carbon atom. Additionally, another methyl group is attached to the fourth carbon atom.

Overall, the condensed structure is representing an organic compound with two carbon chains connected by a double bond. The first carbon chain has four carbon atoms and the second chain has four carbon atoms, with a methyl group attached to the second carbon atom in the second chain, and an additional methyl group attached to the fourth carbon atom in the second chain.