in 1993 bicyclist rebecca twigg of the united states traveled 3.00 km in 217.347 s suppose she travels the entire distance at her average speed and that she then accelerates at -1.72 m/s2 TO COME TO A COMPLETE STOP AFTER CROSSING THEfinish line w long does it take her to come to a stop?

in 199

Vo = 3000m / 217.347s. = 13.8 m/s.

V = Vo + at = 0
13.8 - 1.72t = 0
-1.72t = -13.8
t = 8.0 s.




To calculate the time it takes for Rebecca Twigg to come to a stop after crossing the finish line, we need to break down the problem into different parts.

First, let's calculate Rebecca Twigg's initial speed. We can determine her initial speed by dividing the total distance she traveled (3.00 km) by the time it took her to cover that distance (217.347 s).

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 3.00 km / 217.347 s

Now, we need to convert the distance from kilometers to meters since the acceleration value is given in meters per second squared (m/s^2).

1 km = 1000 m

Distance = 3.00 km * 1000 m/km
Distance = 3000 m

We can now calculate Rebecca Twigg's initial speed:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 3000 m / 217.347 s

Next, we need to calculate the time it takes for her to come to a stop after crossing the finish line. To do this, we'll use the formula:

Final Speed = Initial Speed + (Acceleration * Time)

Since Rebecca Twigg comes to a complete stop, her final speed is 0 m/s, and the acceleration is given as -1.72 m/s^2. We'll solve for the time it takes:

0 m/s = Initial Speed + (-1.72 m/s^2 * Time)

Now we can substitute the value of the initial speed we calculated earlier:

0 m/s = (3000 m / 217.347 s) + (-1.72 m/s^2 * Time)

Simplifying the equation:

0 = (3000 / 217.347) - 1.72 * Time

Now, isolate the variable Time:

1.72 * Time = (3000 / 217.347)

Time = (3000 / 217.347) / 1.72

Calculating this:

Time ≈ 6.940 s

Therefore, it takes approximately 6.940 seconds for Rebecca Twigg to come to a stop after crossing the finish line.

AHHAAHAA arcana muna xD 288462084

Maybe if you payed. Attention in class you wouldn't need to cheat