what else does a number story mean ?can you give more details

Please read the two websites I linked in your other post.

i cant you have to pay

Those are free sites.

Certainly! In mathematics, a number story refers to a word problem or a mathematical situation presented in the form of a story. The purpose of a number story is to contextualize the mathematical concepts and operations being taught or applied. Instead of solving isolated equations or performing calculations with random numbers, number stories provide a real-world context for students to understand and apply the mathematical concepts.

Number stories typically involve characters, objects, or situations that students can relate to, such as counting objects, buying items at a store, sharing items with friends, or measuring distances or time. By incorporating these relatable scenarios into math problems, number stories help students comprehend the concepts better and encourage them to think critically and apply math in everyday situations.

For example, a simple number story could be: "John had 5 apples. He gave 3 apples to his friend Mark. How many apples does John have left?" This story helps students visualize the problem, understand the operations involved (subtraction in this case), and find the answer in a meaningful context.

Therefore, when someone refers to a number story, they usually mean a word problem or a mathematical scenario that requires the application of math concepts to find a solution.