what Manga should I draw for art class?

Oh by the way just one character

Selecting a manga to draw for an art class ultimately depends on your interests and artistic strengths. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to choose a suitable manga:

1. Consider your favorite genre: Think about the genres you really enjoy in manga, such as action, romance, fantasy, or sci-fi. Picking a genre that captivates you will help you stay motivated throughout the drawing process.

2. Identify your artistic skills: Assess your artistic abilities, including your comfort level with drawing certain subjects or characters. Choose a manga that aligns with your skill set. For example, if you excel at drawing dynamic action scenes, consider a manga with intense fight sequences.

3. Research popular manga: Explore renowned manga series that have gained recognition and have a significant fan base. This may help you gauge what appeals to a wider audience and provide inspiration. Additionally, you might find it helpful to study the artwork and styles of successful manga artists.

4. Personalize your choice: If you have a favorite manga series or a specific character that resonates with you, consider drawing them. This personal connection can ignite your creativity and make the process more enjoyable.

5. Seek instructor guidance: Your art instructor may provide specific guidelines or preferences for the project. It is essential to consult with them to ensure your choice aligns with the course objectives and requirements.

Remember, the primary goal in art class is often to refine your skills and learn new techniques. So, even if you're not drawing the most famous or popular manga, choosing one that interests you and challenges you artistically will ultimately be more rewarding.