f + (–15) = –32

f + (–15) = –32

f = 15 - 32

f = -17


You're welcome.

First you add 17 over to -32 and u get f=15

To solve the equation f + (-15) = -32, you need to isolate the variable f. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the left side of the equation:
f + (-15) = -32

Since (-15) is a negative number, adding it is the same as subtracting 15:
f - 15 = -32

Step 2: Move the constant term (-15) to the right side of the equation by adding 15 to both sides:
f - 15 + 15 = -32 + 15

f = -17

So the solution to the equation is f = -17.