I need 12 vivid verbs for the following words: lake, river, ocean, swimming pool.

Think of what people of all ages can DO in all those types of water. I'll start you out with three; what else can you think of?

to splash
to swim
to surf


To come up with vivid verbs for the given words, you can follow these steps:

1. Visualize the word and its associated actions or characteristics.
2. Think about the different ways someone can interact with or describe the word.
3. Consider the verbs that convey motion, activity, or sensory experiences connected to the word.

Here are 12 vivid verbs for the words "lake," "river," "ocean," and "swimming pool":

1. Lake: shimmer, reflect, paddle, dive, lazily float, rippling, glisten, sparkle, fish, sail, canoe, swim.
2. River: rush, flow, cascade, meander, swirl, babble, surge, gurgle, splatter, kayak, snaking, froth.
3. Ocean: crash, roar, surge, swell, roll, churn, crest, lap, dive, snorkel, sail, splash.
4. Swimming pool: splash, dive, float, swim, wade, paddle, cannonball, lap, backstroke, splash, lounge, cool off.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are many more vivid verbs you can use to describe these bodies of water.