Which series of events is in the correct chronological order?

Plessy v. Ferguson, ratification of the 14th Amendment, end of Reconstruction

ratification of the 14th Amendment, end of Reconstruction, Plessy v. Ferguson

ratification of the 14th Amendment, Plessy v. Ferguson, end of Reconstruction

end of Reconstruction, Plessy v. Ferguson, ratification of the 14th Amendment





The correct chronological order is:

1. Ratification of the 14th Amendment
2. End of Reconstruction
3. Plessy v. Ferguson

Therefore, the correct series of events in chronological order is ratification of the 14th Amendment, end of Reconstruction, Plessy v. Ferguson.

To determine the correct chronological order of these events, we need to understand the timeline and sequence in which they occurred. Here's how you can figure it out:

1. Start by understanding each event and its significance:
- The ratification of the 14th Amendment took place in 1868 and granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States.
- The end of Reconstruction, following the Civil War, occurred in 1877 when federal troops were withdrawn from the Southern states, leading to the reestablishment of white control and the disenfranchisement of African Americans.
- Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark Supreme Court case decided in 1896, where the "separate but equal" doctrine was established, allowing for racial segregation.

2. Now, compare the dates of these events to determine their correct chronological order:
- The ratification of the 14th Amendment occurred in 1868.
- The end of Reconstruction happened in 1877.
- Plessy v. Ferguson was decided in 1896.

Based on these dates, we can conclude that the correct chronological order is:
ratification of the 14th Amendment, end of Reconstruction, Plessy v. Ferguson.

Therefore, the correct option is:
ratification of the 14th Amendment, end of Reconstruction, Plessy v. Ferguson.