If the density of water is 1.00g/ml what is the weight in pound of 1.00 gallon of water?

1 gallon = 3.7854118 liters

1 liter = 1000 ml

To calculate the weight of 1.00 gallon of water in pounds, we need to consider the density of water and the conversion factor between grams and pounds. Here are the steps to find the answer:

Step 1: Determine the volume of 1.00 gallon in milliliters.
1 U.S. gallon is equal to approximately 3,785.41 milliliters. Therefore, 1.00 gallon is equal to 3,785.41 milliliters.

Step 2: Convert the volume from milliliters to grams using the density of water.
Given that the density of water is 1.00 g/ml, we can directly convert the volume to grams. So, 3,785.41 ml of water is equal to 3,785.41 grams.

Step 3: Convert the weight from grams to pounds.
There are approximately 453.592 grams in one pound. Therefore, we divide the weight in grams (3,785.41 grams) by 453.592 to convert it to pounds.

Let's perform the calculation:

Weight (in pounds) = (Weight in grams) / (453.592)
Weight (in pounds) = 3,785.41 grams / 453.592

Calculating, we get:

Weight (in pounds) ≈ 8.34 pounds

Therefore, the weight of 1.00 gallon of water is approximately 8.34 pounds.