Jansen purchased a lot that was 121 feet in width and 360 feet in length. If he wants to build a fence around the entire lot, how many feet of fence does he need?

P = 2L + 2W

P = (2 * 360) + (2 * 121)

P = ?

Ms. Sue...are you a teacher?

Yes, Annalyn.

To find out how many feet of fence Jansen needs to build around the entire lot, we need to calculate the perimeter of the lot.

The perimeter of any shape can be calculated by adding the lengths of all its sides. In this case, since we are dealing with a rectangle (the lot), we can use the formula:

Perimeter = 2 * (Length + Width)

Given that the width of the lot is 121 feet and the length is 360 feet, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Perimeter = 2 * (360 + 121)

Now, we can solve this equation:

Perimeter = 2 * (481)
Perimeter = 962 feet

So, Jansen will need 962 feet of fence to enclose the entire lot.