Please help with the translation of this algebraic expression: Twenty-seven more than a number and the sum of twenty-seven and a number, what is the difference between the two? Thank you!



difference is zero

"more than" means "added to" or "sum", so the two expressions mean the same thing

Now, if the two "a number" are not the same, then we have


difference is (x+27)-(y+27) = x-y, or the difference between the two numbers

wouldn't "the sum of twenty-seven and a number" be equivalent to 27 + y

yes, if the number is "y"

hmm. "sum" is addition, which is commutative.

That means that 27+y = y+27

Your suggestion is good, in that it follows the wording of the problem, but the value is the same as y+27.

To translate the given algebraic expression, let's break down the problem into smaller parts.

First, let's identify the unknown number. Let's call it "x."

Now, let's translate the first part of the expression: "Twenty-seven more than a number." This can be written as "x + 27" because we are adding 27 to the unknown number.

Next, let's translate the second part of the expression: "The sum of twenty-seven and a number." This can be written as "27 + x" since we are adding the unknown number to 27.

Finally, to find the difference between the two expressions, we subtract the second expression from the first expression: (x + 27) - (27 + x).

After simplifying, we would be left with 0 as the difference: 0.

Therefore, the difference between "Twenty-seven more than a number" and "The sum of twenty-seven and a number" is 0.