Which one of these are parts of paintings that are done for practice?:



The correct answer is "studies." When artists are learning or practicing their skills, they often create "studies." These are smaller, less detailed paintings or drawings that are done to explore different techniques, subjects, or compositions. Studies can help artists experiment with colors, brush strokes, light and shadow, or any other aspect they are trying to improve or learn.

To find the answer to this question, you can use the process of elimination by examining each option:

1. "Prints" are copies of original artwork, usually produced in multiple copies using a printing technique.
2. "Studies" correspond to the description provided above, being part of an artist's practice work.
3. "Layouts" typically refer to the arrangement or composition of elements on a page, canvas, or other surfaces, but they are not specifically associated with practice paintings.
4. "Pasteups" usually refer to collages or arrangements of images cut from various sources and pasted onto a surface, which are not necessarily linked to practice paintings.

Therefore, the correct answer is "studies," as it refers to the specific category of paintings done for practice.