Compute the following sums and differences -7+(-2)

Does that mean just add them or...

-7 + (-2) = -7 - 2 = -9

Thank you so much!! (:

To compute the sum or difference of two numbers, you need to follow the appropriate arithmetic operation.

In this case, you have -7 + (-2). Since both numbers have a negative sign (or a "-" symbol) in front of them, you can think of it as subtracting the absolute value of the second number from the absolute value of the first number.

So, -7 + (-2) can be rewritten as -(7 + 2).

Now, you can compute the sum by adding the absolute values: 7 + 2 = 9.

Since you have a single negative sign in front, the final answer will also be negative: -9.

Therefore, -7 + (-2) equals -9.