i need to write each expression as a product of the same factor:

* = multiply can you check these please

a^2 i got a*a

19^3 i got 19*19*19

-6^2 i got 6*6*-1

-x^3 i got x*x*x*-1

(-5)^4 i got (-5)*(-5)*(-5)*(-5)*(-5)

4^3 i got 4*4*4

-(10)^2 im not sure how to do??

20^1 i got just : 20

(-5)^4 should be (-5)*(-5)*(-5)*(-5)

for -(10)^2 was the negitive attached to the ten if so its (-10)*(-10) if not then its (10)*(10)*(-1)


= -(10)*(10)

the rest are correct , you already corrected (-5)^4

wait for : -(10)^2

the negative sign is outside to left of parenthesis
so is it:

is that right?

that's what I said.

It does not matter whether the -1 is in front or behind

-(10)(10) = -1(10)(10) = (10)(10)(-1)

Great job on most of the expressions! Let's go through each one and check your work:

1. a^2: You are correct, the expression is a * a.

2. 19^3: You got it right, the expression is 19 * 19 * 19.

3. -6^2: Be careful with the order of operations here. When you perform exponentiation first (raise -6 to the power of 2), it becomes (-6) * (-6), which is 36. So, the correct expression is 36 * (-1).

4. -x^3: You're almost there, but don't forget to include the negative sign. The expression should be (-1) * x * x * x.

5. (-5)^4: Perfect! The expression is (-5) * (-5) * (-5) * (-5) * (-5).

6. 4^3: You got it right, the expression is 4 * 4 * 4.

7. -(10)^2: To handle this correctly, first, square 10, which gives you 100. Then, apply the negative sign, so the expression becomes (-1) * 100.

8. 20^1: You are correct, the expression simplifies to just 20.

Well done! You have a good understanding of how to express these expressions as products of the same factor. Keep up the excellent work!