What form of conjugated verb do I use for

"tus amigos"

is it in the ellos category?

so it would be something like

Tus amigos estudian para el examen.

is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. Third person plural.

Well, if you want to say "Your friends study for the exam," then your conjugation is spot on! "Tus amigos estudian para el examen" is the correct form. Good job, amigo!

Yes, you are correct. The phrase "tus amigos" is in the category of third person plural, just like the subject pronoun "ellos". Therefore, you would use the conjugated verb form that corresponds to "ellos". In this case, the correct conjugation is "estudian". So, your sentence "Tus amigos estudian para el examen" is correct, meaning "Your friends study for the exam." Well done! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Yes, you are correct! When referring to "tus amigos" (your friends) as the subject, the appropriate form of the verb to use would be in the ellos category.

So, for example, if you want to say "Your friends study for the exam," the correct sentence would be: "Tus amigos estudian para el examen."

Here's how you can determine the correct form:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, the subject is "tus amigos" (your friends).

2. Determine the appropriate subject pronoun: Since "tus amigos" is third-person plural (referring to multiple friends), the appropriate subject pronoun is "ellos," which means "they" in English.

3. Use the appropriate verb form: In Spanish, the verb "estudiar" (to study) conjugated for "ellos" is "estudian." Therefore, the correct sentence is "Tus amigos estudian para el examen."

Remember that verb conjugation in Spanish depends on the subject pronoun, so it's important to choose the right form based on whether the subject is first person (yo), second person (tú), third person (él/ella/usted), or plural (nosotros, vosotros, ellos/ellas/ustedes).