definition of clothing and textiles

What are the ten career in clothing and textile

And their function

Clothing and textiles refer to the materials and products used in the manufacturing of garments, accessories, and other textile-based products. Clothing usually includes items such as shirts, pants, dresses, and jackets that are worn to cover and protect the body. Textiles, on the other hand, encompass a wider range of materials, including fabrics, fibers, and yarns used in the creation of clothing, as well as items like bedding, curtains, and upholstery.

To find a comprehensive definition of clothing and textiles, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for reputable sources: Begin by looking for reliable sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, or specialized websites related to the field of textiles and fashion.

2. Check definitions in dictionaries: Look up the term "clothing" and "textiles" in dictionaries, both printed and online, as they often provide general definitions that can give you a clear understanding of the concepts.

3. Consult professional resources: Explore websites or online publications that focus on textiles, fashion, or clothing industry. These sources often provide more detailed and specific definitions, along with additional information on the subject.

4. Review academic or industry publications: Scholarly articles and industry publications are also helpful resources. These sources give in-depth explanations and analysis of clothing and textiles, providing a greater understanding of the topic.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their reliability and accuracy.