During the tubulence of the 1960s black activism focused primarily on

What are your choices? What is your answer?

A. stopping the Vietnam War.

B. supporting the nonviolent strategies of Martin Luther King, Jr.
C. expanding voting rights.
D.expanding economic opportunity.

i chose D


thank you

You're welcome.

achieving civil rights and ending racial discrimination. There were several key movements and organizations during this time that contributed to the black activism movement.

To understand black activism during the 1960s, let's break down the steps to get the answer to your question:

1. Research the Civil Rights Movement: Start by researching the Civil Rights Movement, which was a major factor in black activism during the 1960s. This movement aimed to secure equal rights and end segregation for African Americans in the United States. Key figures of this era include Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X.

2. Look into the Black Panther Party: Another significant black activist group during the 1960s was the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. They sought to address systemic racism and promote self-defense among black communities. Research the origins, goals, and actions of the Black Panther Party to gain a deeper understanding of their activism.

3. Explore other black activist organizations: Additionally, there were several other organizations focused on black activism during this era. Examples include the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and the National Urban League. These organizations played essential roles in advocating for civil rights through various means like protests, voter registration drives, and community organizing.

4. Identify specific issues: While black activism was broad in scope during the 1960s, it primarily focused on achieving civil rights and combating racial discrimination. Specific issues included voter suppression, school desegregation, fair housing, and employment opportunities.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research on the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panther Party, and other black activist organizations of the 1960s, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of what black activism primarily focused on during this turbulent period.