Find the multiplicative inverse of the number.


Please explain and give steps as well. Thank you.

The multiplicative inverse of the number is that number which when multiplied gives you 1

so (?)(-9) = 1

must be -1/9

oh okay but what about fractions and mixed numbers?

To form the multiplicative inverse of a fraction , simply take its reciprocal,

e.g. for 4/7 , its x-inverse is 7/4
(4/7)(7/4) = 28/28 = 1

To form the multiplicative inverse of a mixed fraction, change the mixed fraction to an improper fraction and proceed as above

e.g. 4 3/5
= 23/5
so the x-inverse is 5/23

Oh okay, i see thank you!

To find the multiplicative inverse of a number, you need to find another number that, when multiplied by the original number, gives a product of 1. The multiplicative inverse is also known as the reciprocal of a number.

In this case, you want to find the multiplicative inverse of -9. Let's call the multiplicative inverse as "x". So, we need to find the value of "x" such that -9 multiplied by "x" gives a product of 1.

The equation for this can be written as:
-9 * x = 1

To solve for "x", we can divide both sides of the equation by -9:
(x * -9) / -9 = 1 / -9

This simplifies to:
x = -1 / 9

Therefore, the multiplicative inverse of -9 is -1/9.

To check if we have the correct answer, we can multiply -9 by its multiplicative inverse (-1/9) and see if the product is equal to 1:
-9 * -1/9 = 1

Both sides of the equation simplify to 1, which proves that -1/9 is indeed the multiplicative inverse of -9.