100 x.077=.00007

Nope. You can't multiply by 100 and get a smaller number for the product.

You need to multiply, not divide.

100 divided by .077 = .00007


100 divided by .077 =1298.7012

I'm sorry, but there seems to be an error in the calculation you provided. Let's correct it:

To find the product of 100 and 0.077, you multiply the two numbers together:

100 x 0.077 = 7.7

Therefore, the correct answer is 7.7, not 0.00007.

When performing this calculation, you can utilize basic multiplication. Here's how you can do it manually:

1. Write down the two numbers, 100 and 0.077.
2. Multiply the ones place of 100 (which is 0) by 0.077: 0 x 0.077 = 0.
3. Multiply the tens place of 100 (which is 1) by 0.077: 1 x 0.077 = 0.077.
4. Write down the result of step 3, placing it in the tenths place of the final answer.
5. Combine the results from steps 2 and 4: 0 + 0.077 = 0.077.

Therefore, 100 x 0.077 = 7.7.