Please help with following questions, I am kind of confused.Thank you!

What are the difference between these words and what do they have in common?

1)bath vs bathe(Spoken by aphasic patient
2)tall vs long
3)liberty vs freedom
4)large vs long
5) canary vs parrot?

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with these questions.

1) The difference between "bath" and "bathe" is that "bath" is a noun referring to the actual container or room used for washing, while "bathe" is a verb that means to wash oneself or someone else. They both have in common the idea of cleaning or cleansing oneself.

To get more information about the specific usage in spoken language by an aphasic patient, you might want to consult resources related to aphasia or speech therapy. These resources can provide insights into how individuals with aphasia might express themselves and how their language skills may be affected.

2) The difference between "tall" and "long" is that "tall" refers to the height or vertical dimension of an object or person, while "long" refers to the length or horizontal dimension. However, they both describe size or dimensions. They have in common the idea of measuring or describing length in different dimensions.

If you're looking for more information or examples, you can refer to dictionaries or language resources that provide clear definitions and usage examples. These can help you understand the nuances between these words.

3) The difference between "liberty" and "freedom" is subtle, but they are often used interchangeably. "Liberty" typically refers to the state of being free from oppressive restrictions imposed by external forces, such as a government or authority. "Freedom," on the other hand, has a broader meaning and can refer to the ability to act, speak, or think without limitation or constraint. Both words are associated with the concept of being independent and unrestricted.

To understand these words better, you can refer to dictionaries or look for literature or philosophical texts that discuss the concepts of liberty and freedom. Analyzing their usage in different contexts can provide a deeper understanding.

4) The difference between "large" and "long" is that "large" usually describes the physical size or volume of an object, while "long" refers to the measurement of length. However, they can sometimes overlap when talking about something that is both big in size and elongated in shape. It's important to consider the context in which these words are used.

To have a better grasp of these words, you can consult dictionaries or reference materials that offer definitions and usage examples. These resources can help you understand the specific connotations and distinctions between "large" and "long."

5) The difference between "canary" and "parrot" lies in the species of bird they represent. "Canary" refers to a small finch that is known for its melodious song, typically yellow in color. "Parrot," on the other hand, corresponds to a brightly-colored tropical bird with a strong curved beak. They have in common that they are both commonly kept as pets and are known for their vocal abilities.

To learn more about these birds, you can refer to ornithology resources, bird-watching guides, or scientific literature that specifically explores the characteristics, behavior, and habitats of canaries and parrots.

Overall, dictionaries, language resources, specialized references, and specific scientific literature are valuable tools to gain a deeper understanding of the differences and similarities between words, as well as their specific contexts of usage.