i've got to do research on these questions..grade 9

What does a learner do?
What does a communicator do?
What does a problem-solver do?
What does a community member do?

Since you have to do the research, I suggest you Google each of these terms.

the problem is that it's nowhere on internet :(

To research these questions, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Start by understanding the main keywords in each question: learner, communicator, problem-solver, and community member.
2. Use reliable sources such as textbooks, educational websites, or scholarly articles to gather information on each of these topics.
3. Take notes while reading and identify key points or characteristics associated with each role.
4. Organize your findings into coherent paragraphs or bullet points for each question.

Now, let's break down the four questions and explain how you can find the answers:

1. What does a learner do?
A learner is someone who acquires knowledge or skills through various methods such as studying, attending classes, or participating in educational activities. To research this question, you can explore the concept of learning, different learning styles, or effective learning strategies.

2. What does a communicator do?
A communicator is an individual who exchanges information, ideas, or feelings with others through verbal or non-verbal means. Researching this topic could involve investigating various communication models, types of communication, and the importance of effective communication in different contexts.

3. What does a problem-solver do?
A problem-solver is someone who applies critical thinking skills and analytical approaches to find solutions to challenges or issues. Research on problem-solving might include understanding different problem-solving techniques, steps involved in the problem-solving process, and the importance of problem-solving skills in everyday life or specific fields.

4. What does a community member do?
A community member is an individual who actively participates in and contributes to the well-being of their community. Researching this topic could involve exploring the concept of community, different types of community involvement, and the benefits of being an engaged community member.

Remember to cite your sources properly and create a bibliography of the resources you used during your research process. Good luck with your research!