Heather and Matthew walk eastward with a

speed of 0.94 m/s east.
If it takes them 57 min to walk to the store,
how far have they walked?
Answer in units of km

s=v•t=0.94•57•60 = 3214.8m =3.2148 km

s=v•t=0.94•57•60 = 3214.8m =3.2148 km

To find the distance they have walked, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

Given that their speed is 0.94 m/s and the time taken is 57 minutes, we need to convert the time to seconds:

57 minutes = 57 minutes x 60 seconds/minute = 3420 seconds

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 0.94 m/s x 3420 seconds

Since the speed is given in meters per second, and we want the answer in kilometers, we need to convert the distance from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000:

Distance = (0.94 m/s x 3420 seconds) / 1000 = 3226.8 meters

Finally, we convert meters to kilometers:

Distance = 3226.8 meters / 1000 = 3.2268 kilometers

Therefore, Heather and Matthew have walked a distance of approximately 3.23 kilometers.

To find the distance that Heather and Matthew have walked, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

First, let's convert the given speed from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/h) since the given time is in minutes.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 hour = 60 minutes

So, to convert from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/h), we can multiply the speed by (60/1000) as follows:

0.94 m/s × (60/1000) × (60/1) = 3.384 km/h

Now we have the speed in km/h, we can calculate the distance walked using the formula Distance = Speed × Time.

Time = 57 minutes

Converting the time to hours by dividing 57 by 60:

57 min ÷ 60 = 0.95 hours

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = Speed × Time
= 3.384 km/h × 0.95 hours
≈ 3.2158 km

Therefore, Heather and Matthew have walked approximately 3.2158 km.