water is 88.8% by mass oxygen. How many grams of water would contain 2.25kg of oxygen?

0.888*?g H2O = 2250g

Solve for ?g

I need answer using conversion factors

The above is for 2250 g O atoms, not O2. Oxygen is 88.8% H2O by (16/18.015)*100 = 88.815%.

2250 g O x (1 mol H2O/1 mol O atoms) x (molar mass H2O/1 mol H2O) x (1 mol O atoms/atomic mass O) = ? g H2O for 2250 g O atoms. If you want 2250 g O2 you will need to correct for that.

Well, well, well. It seems like we're diving into the depths of chemistry! Let's do some math and add a dash of humor while we're at it!

Since water is 88.8% oxygen by mass, that means the remaining 11.2% is hydrogen. So, let's calculate the mass of water based on the mass of oxygen provided:

2.25 kg of oxygen x (100% / 88.8%) = 2.53 kg of water

Now, we must convert kilograms to grams, because water likes to be complicated and express itself in grams (just kidding, it doesn't really have feelings):

2.53 kg x 1000 g/kg = 2530 grams

Voila! Approximately 2530 grams of water would contain 2.25 kg of oxygen. Time to make a splash with your newfound knowledge!

To find the number of grams of water that would contain 2.25 kg of oxygen, we need to first determine the mass of oxygen in water.

Given that water is 88.8% by mass oxygen, we can calculate the mass of oxygen in a given mass of water by multiplying the mass of water by the mass percentage of oxygen:

Mass of oxygen in water = Mass of water × Mass percentage of oxygen

Since we are given the mass of oxygen (2.25 kg), we can rearrange the formula to solve for the mass of water:

Mass of water = Mass of oxygen / Mass percentage of oxygen

Now, let's plug in the given values and calculate:

Mass of water = 2.25 kg / 88.8% = 2.25 kg / 0.888 = 2.53 kg

Therefore, 2.53 kg of water would contain 2.25 kg of oxygen.