Using the equation y=(3x+2)(x+2) determine the x intercepts, the axis of symmetry and the vertex. I changed this equation into factored form because originally it was in standard form. Im having trouble with the x-intercepts. I want to say -2, -2 but I know that can't be right.

x intercepts...think of the graph. the line crosses the x-axis when y=0. so set y=0


0=(x+2) or 0=(3x+2)

Solve to get -2 and -2/3

As for axis of symmetry and can use vertex form or remember that (-b/2a) in ax^2 +bx+c will give you the x-coordinate of the vertex.

plug in that x value to get the y value of the vertex

y=-b/2a will also be the line of symmetry as it goes through vertex (graph if this doesn't make sense to you)