I can not find the missing term

81 54 _ _ _ not seeing the missing terms.

To find the missing terms in the sequence 81, 54, __, __, __, we need to look for a pattern in the given numbers.

Let's observe the relationship between the numbers. We notice that each number in the sequence is formed by multiplying the previous number by a factor of 0.6667 (repeating decimal).

To find the missing terms, we can multiply the previous number by 0.6667.

Starting with the given sequence, we can do the following calculations:

81 * 0.6667 ≈ 54
54 * 0.6667 ≈ 36
36 * 0.6667 ≈ 24
24 * 0.6667 ≈ 16

So, the missing terms in the sequence are 36, 24, and 16.

the ratio 81:54 = 2/3

The next term is 54*2/3 = 36