A freshman is currently enjoying the Arts Studio program she is pursing at a well-know university. In her free time, she like to skate, take salsa dance lessons, and cook. She particularly enjoys pickling and decides to pickle olives over a lesisurely weekend. Accordng to the recipe, she needs to add three teaspoons of salt to one cup of diced olives. However, she erroneously adds six teaspoons instead. Each teaspoon of salt weighs about 5g and contains about 2300mg of sodium.

Determine the amount of sodium that has been actually added, in grams.
State the chemical formula of salt and classify the bond as ionic, polar covalent, or non - polar covalent.
a). include all steps required for calculation
b). use correct procedure for conversion
c). determine the amount of sodium actually added, in grams
d). state the chemical formula of salt
e). classified the bond as ionic, polar covalent or non-polar covalent.

6 tsp NaCl x (2300 mg/tsp) = ? mg Na an ionic compound.

a) To determine the amount of sodium that has been actually added, we need to calculate the mass of six teaspoons of salt in grams and then convert that to the amount of sodium.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of six teaspoons of salt
Since each teaspoon of salt weighs about 5g, the mass of six teaspoons of salt is:
6 teaspoons * 5g/teaspoon = 30g of salt

Step 2: Convert the mass of salt to the amount of sodium
Given that each teaspoon of salt contains about 2300mg of sodium, we can calculate the amount of sodium in 30g of salt as follows:
30g * 1000mg/g = 30000mg of salt
30000mg / 2300mg = approximately 13.04 teaspoons of salt

b) The correct procedure for conversion is to multiply by conversion factors. In this case, we multiplied by 1000mg/g to convert grams to milligrams and divided by 2300mg to convert from the amount of sodium in one teaspoon to the amount in the measured mass of salt.

c) The amount of sodium actually added is approximately 13.04 teaspoons of salt.

d) The chemical formula of salt is NaCl, where Na represents sodium and Cl represents chlorine.

e) The bond between sodium and chloride in salt (NaCl) is ionic. Ionic bonds are formed between atoms with significantly different electronegativities. In the case of salt, sodium has a low electronegativity, while chlorine has a high electronegativity, leading to the transfer of electrons from sodium to chlorine, resulting in the formation of ionic bond.