What are the four basic food safety principles that work together to reduce the risk of food borne illnesses?

A. Wash, Cook, Eat, Clean

B. Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill

C. Clean, Cook, Store, Disinfect

D. None of the above

Helllp pleease:(



Answer is B

The correct answer is B. Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill.

To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of food safety principles. The four basic food safety principles are practices that work together to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

1. Clean: This principle emphasizes the importance of keeping hands, utensils, and surfaces clean to prevent the spread of bacteria and other harmful pathogens.

2. Separate: This principle involves separating different types of foods to avoid cross-contamination. For example, raw meats and fresh produce should be stored separately to prevent the transfer of bacteria.

3. Cook: This principle emphasizes the importance of cooking food thoroughly to kill any potential pathogens. It is crucial to cook food to the appropriate internal temperature to ensure it is safe to eat.

4. Chill: This principle involves properly refrigerating food to prevent the growth of bacteria. Perishable foods, such as meat and dairy products, should be stored at temperatures below 40°F (4°C) to slow down the growth of bacteria.

Based on these principles, the correct answer is B. Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill.