How do I read this:

"Robotic" World of Computer Science. Gale, 2002. Gale Science in Context. web 8 Aug. 2012.
i know this is a ciation but I need to incorporate it into asummary paragraph

Is there no author named?

No there is not an author named.


Are you trying to cite the work in your references list? Or are you trying to incorporate it into the text of your paper -- like a lead-in to a sentence?

Incorporate it into the text of the paper.

Try something like this:

As pointed out in "Robotic," the uses of robots ... (or whatever the sentence is that you intend to write. If you give it a try and post your sentence here, I'll check it for you.

There are many good ideas in these websites, too:,mod=10&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

As pointed out in the article, "Robotics" updated on May 23, 2012 in the World of Computer Science Journal, many different technologies are included in robotics. It combines elements such as mechanics, electronics, computer engineering, programming and artificial intelligence. Robotics is a technology that uses robots to perform tasks without the help of humans.


Is this the first and maybe only place in your whole paper when you will refer to this article? Or will you also have a reference list (formerly called bibliography) at the end of your paper?

Yes it is.

the questions I have to answer regarding the article are:
The summary of the articles should answer the following questions:
*Who is the author of the article?
*What is the purpose of the article?
*What are the main ideas of the article?
*Where is the article taking place?
*When was the article written?
The beginning statement is what the purpose of the artice is?? So what do you think?

OK, then you've done fine -- if you add two needed commas in there:

As pointed out in the article, "Robotics," updated on May 23, 2012, in the World of Computer Science Journal, ...

Do you see where I added two commas??