How do I read this:

"Robotic" World of Computer Science. Gale, 2002. Gale Science in Context. web 8 Aug. 2012.
i know this is a ciation but I need to incorporate it into asummary paragraph

To incorporate the citation into a summary paragraph, you can consider the following structure:

According to the source "Robotic World of Computer Science" by Gale (2002), which can be found in Gale Science in Context, it provides valuable insights into the world of robotics in computer science. The author explores various aspects related to robotics, including their technologies, applications, and impact on society. The information from this source will help in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

In this way, you have incorporated the citation into a summary paragraph by introducing the source, giving information about its accessibility in Gale Science in Context, and providing a brief overview of the content it covers.