1.3 pounds of a material with a density of 3.7 g/mL would occupy what volume in liters?


convert lbs to g (2.2lbs=1000g)

To find the volume of a material, we can use the formula:

Volume (V) = Mass (M) / Density (D)

Mass (M) = 1.3 pounds
Density (D) = 3.7 g/mL

1. Convert the mass from pounds to grams:
1 pound is approximately 453.59 grams.
So, 1.3 pounds is approximately 1.3 * 453.59 grams = 589.67 grams.

2. Convert the density from grams per milliliter (g/mL) to grams per liter (g/L):
1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters.
Therefore, the density of 3.7 g/mL is equivalent to 3.7 * 1000 g/L = 3700 g/L.

We now have the following values:
Mass (M) = 589.67 grams
Density (D) = 3700 g/L

3. Substitute the values into the formula:
V = M / D
= 589.67 g / 3700 g/L
= 0.159 liters

Therefore, 1.3 pounds of a material with a density of 3.7 g/mL would occupy approximately 0.159 liters.