identify a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing. Discover the sponsor of the action. Using news reports, statements in the public record, personal telephone or data.

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new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing

To identify a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing and discover the sponsor of the action, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a comprehensive search online. Use keywords related to public health or community health nursing legislation or regulations, such as "new public health law/regulation," "community health nursing legislation," or "recent health policy changes."

2. Check reliable sources for healthcare news and government websites that provide updates on healthcare-related legislation and regulations. These may include official websites of government agencies responsible for public health, nursing associations, or legislative databases.

3. Search for recent news articles and press releases related to public health or community health nursing. Reputable news outlets often report on significant legislation and regulations affecting public health. Make sure to consider both national and local/regional sources.

4. Look for statements or reports from legislators, government officials, or organizations involved in healthcare policy. These may provide additional insights into the sponsor of the action or the rationale behind the new law or regulation.

5. If available, examine the public record of legislative activities, such as official reports, bill sponsorships, or committee meetings. Legislative databases or the official websites of legislative bodies can provide access to this information.

6. Contact relevant healthcare organizations, nursing associations, or government offices directly. Inquiring via phone or email can help you obtain specific information about recent laws or regulations and their sponsors.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources to ensure the accuracy of the information you gather. Legislation and regulations differ based on the country or region, so be mindful of the jurisdiction you are researching.