Using the distributive property of multiplication over

addition, we can factor as in x2 + xy = x1x + y2. Use
the distributive property and other multiplication properties
to factor each of the following:

47.99 + 47
(x+1)Y +(X+1)

Do you mean x^2y + x^3*Z? If so,


See 2nd post below for solution to other 2 problems.

To factor each of the given expressions using the distributive property and other multiplication properties, we need to identify any common factors or terms that can be pulled out.

Let's factor each expression step by step:

1. 47.99 + 47:
There are no common factors or terms that can be pulled out. This expression cannot be factored further.

2. (x + 1)Y + (X + 1):
We can apply the distributive property by multiplying each term outside the parentheses by each term inside the parentheses:
(x + 1) * Y + (x + 1) * 1
This gives us:
xY + Y + x + 1

3. x^2y + z^x3:
We need to look for any common factors or terms that can be pulled out. In this case, both terms have an x factor:
x * xy + z^x3

Now, let's summarize the factored forms of each expression:

1. 47.99 + 47:
This expression cannot be factored further.

2. (x + 1)Y + (X + 1):
Factored form: xY + Y + x + 1

3. x^2y + z^x3:
Factored form: x * xy + z^x3

Factoring is the process of rearranging an expression or equation in such a way that common factors or terms are taken out. In some cases, an expression may not have any common factors or terms, and therefore, it cannot be factored further. The distributive property is commonly used in factoring to distribute multiplication over addition or subtraction.