For the book Reagan's America by Garry Wills: What do you think the author's goals are for writing this book? Do you think they achieved their goals?

I haven't read this book, but this critical essay discusses it.

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As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can help guide you in understanding the potential goals that an author like Garry Wills might have for writing a book like Reagan's America, as well as how you can evaluate whether or not they achieved their goals.

When analyzing an author's goals for writing a book, it's important to consider their motivations and the intended audience of the book. In the case of Reagan's America, Garry Wills is a known political historian and commentator, so one potential goal for writing this book might be to provide a comprehensive analysis of Ronald Reagan's presidency and its impact on American society.

To assess whether or not the author achieved these goals, you can apply a few strategies:

1. Analyze the book's content: Read or skim through the chapters, paying attention to the arguments, evidence, and overall structure. Assess whether the book provides a well-rounded analysis of Reagan's America that aligns with the author's purported goals.

2. Look for reviews and critiques: Read professional reviews, scholarly articles, or even reader reviews to gain insights into the book's strengths and weaknesses. Take note of any common themes that emerge regarding how well the author achieved their goals.

3. Consider the book's impact: Assess the book's influence and reach. Has it been widely read and discussed? Have scholars or experts in the field engaged with the book? This can give you an indication of whether the author's goals were achieved and if the book has made a notable impact.

Keep in mind that determining an author's goals and their success in achieving them can be subjective, as it depends on individual perspectives and interpretations. Therefore, it is essential to consider a range of perspectives and engage in critical analysis when evaluating the success of an author's goals in writing a book like Reagan's America.