I need to write an essay on the follwing article:

"Robotics" World Comouter Science. Gale, 2002

I need to include the authros purpose and main ideas..

I don't know how to start the article. I need some type of direction. Please help

Ask yourself these questions:

1. What main idea did the author want you and all other readers to understand?

2. What is the most important example or explanation he/she gave in order to convince you of that main idea?

Let me know what you think.

PS - Keep in mind that we have no access to Gale resources.

I have read this article over and over again and I just keep getting confused.

Is there anyway you can help me by reading the article and steer me in the right direction
"Robotics" World Comouter Science. Gale, 2002

I have no access to that article. I've searched on Google and Google Scholar ... no luck.

Gale Science In Context - Document Try typing this into google


You're wasting a lot of time fiddling around, trying to figure out how I can get into a closed subscription.

Please post your replies to the two questions I asked above. Then you can move forward with your assignment.

"Robotics" World Computer Science. Gale, 2002 I typed this into google and it came up. Its the 5th one down

Is this it?


The thesis sentence is this: " Robotics is a broad field combining elements of mechanics, electronics, computer engineering, programming, and artificial intelligence."

I suggest paraphrasing that sentence in your introductory paragraph.

Summarize the arguments used to support that thesis. Be sure to include a summary of the last paragraph also.

To start your essay on the article "Robotics" from World Computer Science, it's important to gather some background information about the topic and have a clear understanding of the author's purpose and main ideas. Here are steps you can follow:

1. Read the article: Begin by thoroughly reading the article. Take notes or highlight key points, ideas, and arguments made by the author. Make sure you understand the content and any technical terms used.

2. Identify the author's purpose: Consider why the author wrote the article. Determine if their intention was to inform, persuade, entertain, or present a particular viewpoint or argument. Look for clues within the text or any stated objectives in the introduction or conclusion.

3. Look for main ideas: Identify the central themes or concepts the author discusses in the article. These could include advancements in robotics, applications of robotics in various fields, ethical implications, impact on the job market, or any other significant aspects related to robotics. Pay attention to recurring ideas or arguments made throughout the article.

4. Craft your introduction: Start your essay with a strong opening sentence or paragraph that grabs the reader's attention. Considering the author's purpose and main ideas, you can begin by giving a brief background on robotics, highlighting its relevance and importance in today's world.

5. Introduce the article: Provide the necessary bibliographic information of the article, such as the title, author, and publication details. This helps establish credibility and allows readers to locate the article for further reference.

6. Summarize the author's purpose: In a concise statement, state the author's overall aim or objective in writing the article. This could be to provide an overview of robotics, discuss the impact on society, explore future trends, or any other overarching goal identified from your analysis.

7. Outline the main ideas: Organize your essay by outlining the key points or main ideas discussed in the article. Each paragraph of your essay can focus on a specific idea, supported by evidence or examples from the article itself.

8. Provide supporting evidence: Throughout your essay, support your analysis of the author's purpose and main ideas with direct quotes, paraphrased information, or specific examples from the article. This demonstrates that you have thoroughly read and understood the content.

9. Conclude your essay: Wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points and reinforcing the author's purpose. You can also add your own insights or reflections on the topic covered in the article.

Remember to follow proper citation guidelines when incorporating quotes or paraphrasing information from the article. Additionally, use your own words and offer critical analysis to showcase your understanding of the topic.