Write a fictitious medical report of about two paragraphs describing a dermatologic condition or disease. Focus the report on the onset,progression,location,and etiology of the condition or disease and the treatment parameters.

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Medical Report

Patient Name: John Doe
Age: 35
Date of Examination: September 15, 2022

Chief Complaint:
Mr. Doe presented to our clinic with a dermatologic condition characterized by the onset of red, itchy patches on his arms and legs. The symptoms started approximately two months ago and have gradually worsened since then.

History of Present Illness:
The patient reports that the initial lesions appeared on his lower extremities, specifically the ankles and shins. The rash later spread to involve both arms. Mr. Doe reports a significant degree of pruritus (itchiness) associated with the affected areas, which has caused considerable discomfort and disrupted his daily activities. He denies any previous history of similar skin problems. The condition has not responded to over-the-counter topical creams and has provoked mild anxiety in the patient.

Physical Examination:
Upon examination, multiple well-defined erythematous (reddened) patches were found bilaterally on the patient's arms, specifically on the forearms and upper arms. Additionally, similar lesions were observed on both legs, involving the shins and extending up to the knees. The affected areas displayed mild scaling and occasional crusting. No vesicles or bullae were noted. The remainder of the patient's physical examination was unremarkable.

Based on the clinical findings and symptoms reported, a diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis is suspected. A thorough history and examination have been performed to identify the exact causative agents.

Treatment Plan:
To manage the patient's condition, it is crucial to identify and avoid exposure to the offending allergens. Patch testing will be scheduled to determine the substances responsible for the allergic reaction. Topical corticosteroids will be prescribed to reduce the inflammation and pruritus. Short-term use of oral antihistamines will be recommended to alleviate the patient's discomfort at night, allowing him to maintain better sleep hygiene. Additionally, the patient will receive education on proper skincare practices to prevent further aggravation of the affected areas.

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled in two weeks to evaluate the response to treatment and discuss the results of the patch testing. At that time, further recommendations for long-term management and allergen avoidance will be provided as necessary.

Please note that the above medical report is fictitious and should not be used as a reference for any real medical condition or treatment plan.