11. Si ---------- el número de mi jefe, le -------- para decirle que no puedo ir al trabajo hoy.

A. sabría, llamara

B.llamaría, supiera

C. supiera, llamaría

D.llamara, sabría

My Ans: C
12. ------------ a la fiesta si ----------- encontrar un vestido apropiado para llevar.
A. Viniera, podría
B. Vendría, pudiera
C. Podría, viniera
D. Pudiera, vendría
My Ans: B

13. ---------- hecho todos los quehaceres de casa si nuestra madre no ---------- regresado tan pronto.
A. Hubiéramos, habría
B. Habríamos, hubiera
C. Habría, hubiéramos
D. Hubiéra, habría
My Ans: B

14. Si --------- a una estrella de cine, le --------- su autógrafo para poner en mi pared.
A. pidiera, conocería
B. pediría, conociera
C. conociera, pediría
D. conocería, pidiera
My Ans: A

15. Si tú ---------- , --------- hacer cualquier cosa en tu vida. Sólo tienes que decidir.
A. podrías, quisieras
B. querrías, pudieras
C. pudieras, querrías
D. quisieras, podrías
My Ans: C

16. El avión --------- a tiempo si el aerolínea ----------- un aerolínea de calidad.
A. llegaría, fuera
B. fuera, llegaría
C. llegara, sería
D. sería, llegara
My Ans: A

17. Nos -------- ir de vacaciones a Francia si -------- el dinero para comprar los pasajes.
A. gustara, tendríamos
B. gustaría, tuviéramos
C. tuviera, gustaríamos
D. tendría, gustáramos
My Ans: B

18. Todos -------- perfectamente felices si la vida -------- justa.
A. seríamos, estuviera
B. estuviéramos, sería
C. fuéramos, estaría
D. estaríamos, fuera
My Ans: D

19. Si Chancho ---------- la lotería, dice que --------- un yate y navegaría por todo el mundo.
A. comprara, ganaría
B. ganara, compraría
C. compraría, ganara
D. ganaría, comprara
My Ans: B

20. Pero si me ---------- otra chaqueta ------------ demasiado calor.
A. tendría, pusiera
B. pondría, tuviera
C. pusiera, tendría
D. tuviera, pondría
My Ans: C

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

It may be a few hours before she answers.

11. sí

12. sí
13. sí
14. no = C
15. no = D
16. sí
17. sí
18. sí *(feliz used to take ser but more and more is now using estar)
19. sí
20. sí


Here are the explanations for each answer:

11. The correct answer is C. "Supiera, llamaría". To understand this, first look at the structure of the sentence. "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional". The first part of the sentence indicates a hypothetical situation in the past, so "Supiera" (imperfect subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence states the result of the hypothetical situation, so "llamaría" (conditional) is appropriate.

12. The correct answer is B. "Vendría, pudiera". This is also a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence presents a hypothetical situation in the present, so "Vendría" (conditional) is used. The second part of the sentence states the condition or possibility, so "pudiera" (imperfect subjunctive) is appropriate.

13. The correct answer is B. "Habríamos, hubiera". This is a "Si + past perfect, conditional perfect" structure. The first part of the sentence states a hypothetical past condition, so "hubiera" (past perfect subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence presents the result of that condition, so "Habríamos" (conditional perfect) is appropriate.

14. The correct answer is A. "Pidiera, conocería". This is a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence sets up a hypothetical situation in the present, so "Pidiera" (imperfect subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence states the result of that situation, so "conocería" (conditional) is appropriate.

15. The correct answer is C. "Pudieras, querrías". This is a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence presents a hypothetical situation in the present, so "Pudieras" (imperfect subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence states the result or condition, so "querrías" (conditional) is appropriate.

16. The correct answer is A. "Llegaría, fuera". This is a "Si + past subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence presents a hypothetical situation in the present or future, so "Llegaría" (conditional) is used. The second part of the sentence states the condition or possibility, so "fuera" (past subjunctive) is used.

17. The correct answer is B. "Gustaría, tuviéramos". This is a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence sets up a hypothetical situation in the present, so "Gustaría" (conditional) is used. The second part of the sentence states the condition or possibility, so "tuviéramos" (imperfect subjunctive) is appropriate.

18. The correct answer is D. "Estaríamos, fuera". This is a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence presents a hypothetical situation in the present or future, so "Estaríamos" (conditional) is used. The second part of the sentence states the condition or possibility, so "fuera" (past subjunctive) is appropriate.

19. The correct answer is B. "Ganara, compraría". This is a "Si + past subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence presents a hypothetical situation in the present or future, so "Ganara" (past subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence states the result or condition, so "compraría" (conditional) is used.

20. The correct answer is C. "Pusiera, tendría". This is a "Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional" structure. The first part of the sentence sets up a hypothetical situation in the present, so "Pusiera" (imperfect subjunctive) is used. The second part of the sentence states the result or condition, so "tendría" (conditional) is appropriate.