how long does it take from Taipei, Taiwan to Miami,FL?? This is not a homework! i just wanna know it by myself cus my friend is going to visit me dis summer. i can't get the info from google or yah

happyzebra com/distance-calculator/Taipei-to-Miami.php

Depending on airline and plane. 18 hours average.

Do you want the distance or the travel time by air? Alarm's estimate of the flight time, including a change of plane, is about right.

To calculate the approximate flight duration from Taipei, Taiwan to Miami, FL, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the flight path:
Since there are no direct flights between Taipei and Miami, your friend will most likely have to make a stopover or connect in another city. One common route is to have a layover in a major US hub like Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York before continuing on to Miami.

Step 2: Estimate the flight time to the connecting city:
To find the flight duration from Taipei to the connecting city, you can use a flight search engine like Kayak, Skyscanner, or Expedia. Enter Taipei as the departure city and the potential connecting cities (e.g., Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York) as the destination. This will provide you with an estimate of the flight duration for the first leg of the journey.

Step 3: Estimate the layover time:
The layover time will depend on the airline and the specific flight schedule. Typically, layovers can range anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days. A common layover duration is around 2 to 4 hours for domestic flights within the US.

Step 4: Estimate the flight time from the connecting city to Miami:
Similarly, use the same flight search engine to find a flight from the connecting city to Miami, FL. Enter the connecting city as the departure and Miami as the destination. This will give you an estimate of the second leg of the journey.

Step 5: Calculate the total travel time:
Add the estimated flight time for the first leg, the layover time, and the estimated flight time for the second leg together to get an approximate total travel time. Keep in mind that these are estimates, and actual travel times may vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, flight delays, and airport congestion.

By following these steps, you should be able to estimate the total travel time from Taipei, Taiwan to Miami, FL.