make AB pattern with two shapes.

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To make an AB pattern with two shapes, follow these steps:

1. Choose two different shapes. Let's say Shape A is a square and Shape B is a circle.

2. Start the pattern by using Shape A. Place Shape A anywhere you'd like.

Example: Square (Shape A)

3. Now, introduce Shape B next to Shape A to create the AB pattern.

Example: Square (Shape A), Circle (Shape B)

4. Continue the pattern by repeating the sequence. The next shape will be Shape A again.

Example: Square (Shape A), Circle (Shape B), Square (Shape A)

5. Keep repeating the pattern for as long as you'd like.

Example: Square (Shape A), Circle (Shape B), Square (Shape A), Circle (Shape B), Square (Shape A), Circle (Shape B), and so on.

By following these steps, you can create an AB pattern using two shapes, in this case, a square (Shape A) and a circle (Shape B).