Round 694,563,239 to the nearest thousand .


To round the number 694,563,239 to the nearest thousand, you need to look at the hundreds place. In this case, the hundreds place digit is 9.

If the hundreds place digit is between 0-4 (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you round down to the nearest thousand by simply dropping the digits after the thousands place. Therefore, the number rounded down to the nearest thousand would be 694,000,000.

If the hundreds place digit is between 5-9 (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9), you round up to the nearest thousand. To do so, you increase the thousands place digit by one and drop all the digits after the thousands place. In this case, the number rounded up to the nearest thousand would be 695,000,000.

Therefore, rounding 694,563,239 to the nearest thousand gives you 694,000,000.